Food Porn - Fruit and Nut Recipe

Honey Glazed Hunk


Males024.jpg (61312 bytes)1 Man

Pot of Honey
Fruit and nut mix

Bottle of mango drinking yoghurt


Clean and prepare the man. Leave the skin on, it’s good for you.

Warm honey through, so that it loses some viscosity.  Toast fruit and nut mix until crunchy.

Place man under sunlamp and turn it on. Pour honey all over man. Use your hands to make sure it covers all the flesh, and dribbles into every crack. Turn over and repeat, then turn again.  Rub honey into erect penis.

Sprinkle with fruit and nut mix. Leave under sunlamp for half an hour, then turn. Should be well done within an hour. Consume with bottle of drinking yoghurt.

This man should keep well, and can be consumed while bushwalking.