Food Porn - Stud Muffin Recipe

Double Chocolate Stud Muffin

IngredientsMALES087.JPG (75170 bytes)

1 Man
Block chocolate, melted
Butter, softened
Double cream
1 packet choc chips
Castor sugar

1 bottle champagne


Prepare the man. Remove all extraneous material and wash thoroughly. It is not necessary, however, to pluck him. Keep him warm and maintain him at a smooth consistency while you organise the other ingredients.

Dust legs lightly with the castor sugar. A basting brush is useful for this. Turn the man over and apply more sugar to his buttocks. Make sure you fill any crevices, so the sweetness sinks in.

Turn him over and apply the butter to his arms and chest. This may take some effort, as the man may try to escape if the butter is too cold. Rub the butter in with your fingers. Some may be inclined to use a food processor at this point, but it is not advisable.

Ensure the chocolate is melted, but has cooled to a satisfactory level. Gently drizzle over man, paying particular attention to muscular belly. Thoroughly coat his penis, ensuring that it is fully erect. Lightly cover his testicles as well. After it has thickened, add another coat, until the penis is completely coated with a thick layer, then sprinkle with choc chips.

Leave to dry. It may be advisable to sit on the man’s face and eat leftover choc chips during this process, which may take a few minutes.

Finally, add dollops of double cream, and consume immediately with large glass of champagne.


This recipe works best with one man, although more may be added to taste. Does not keep well overnight, or in the freezer.


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